Thursday, 10 September 2015

Drafting and planning

Now that I have an idea of how regional magazines appear to look and understand what kind of information they hold; I have decided to research deeper into the purpose of a regional magazine.

The Google definition of a "region" is - 'an area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.'

I'd like to specifically target my magazine to a demographic between 16 and 25 years old. Therefore I may successfully create a student magazine. 

Within my magazine I will include sections that can appeal to all types of students e.g.

  1. Sport and sports facilities
  2. Music, concerts and clubs
  3. City Centre, shopping and sight-seeing
  4. News, key upcoming events within the city, new restaurants/libraries opening etc.
These are all topics that are appropriate for the region of Birmingham. This will not only appeal to young people living in Birmingham, but also tourists visiting the area as it has a wide range of information within the magazine.

I know that all of these factors are important to include in my magazine:

This is because I found them all through one website. However, I will carefully choose which information to put into my magazine as I know that my target audience is around my age, I will specifically know what I'd like to see in a magazine, therefore I can appeal to others my age without a problem. 

I will regularly look on the links above, to gain information, for ideas to draft my magazine with.

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